Monday, June 15, 2009

What Is Success? -- The Concept That Can Change Your Paradigm

By Jennifer Jianjun Wang

What is success? What comes to your mind as you read this question? In this short article, you will read about the concept, ancient Chinese wisdom and what to do to move forward.

The Concept
The concept is not new. Tony Michalski captures what I believe to be the essence of success. I’d like to share it with you here because I think it’ll raise worthwhile questions in your mind. In a private email exchange between me and Tony, this is what he wrote:

“Success … It’s a system, sometimes; it’s a science, sometimes; it’s an art, all the time.”

Success is an art.

Tony is the founder of The Master Key System Coaching Program. Perhaps he is better known as the publisher who published the book ‘The Master Key System’ that inspired the movie ‘The Secret’. The secret is also known as ‘the Law of Attraction’. You can find out more about Tony’s work by visiting I think you’ll like the website.

Ancient Wisdom
You would be interested to know that the Chinese ancient philosophers define success quite directly that is different from conventional beliefs. Success first and foremost is considered as an art. Success is defined as ‘to accomplish art’ or ‘to become art’.

The ancient Chinese philosophers take a holistic view to achieving. Success is the sweetest if it preserves your health and youth in the process. This way you still accomplish what you want without unnecessary ‘hard work’ that gives you stress and pre-mature ageing.

Moving Forward
What success are you attempting in your life now? Is it a personal project, your study, your work? How do you go about it? Do you ‘work hard’? Do you have a system? Do you craft it as an art? Contact us if you need assistance. We have a team of coaches who will help you succeed with minimal efforts.

To your happy and steady increase of fulfilment,
Jennifer Jianjun Wang (PhD)